Why accept payments upon booking?
Earn more from every client by selling products or service add-ons upon booking
Make it easy for your clients to buy and pay for your gift card online
Charge deposits upon booking and reduce no-shows considerably
Get the payment out of the way and focus on nurturing the client upon arrival
Accept onsite payments as well via the SimplyBook.me POS interface
Track bookings and payments from the same platform
您可以信任我们的付款处理,因为 SimplyBook.me 绝对不会在 SimplyBook.me 的服务器上储存任何信用卡信息,所有的付款都是由安全的外部 PCI DSS 合规之第三方来处理,例如 Stripe, PayPal, PayFort, Mollie, Adyen 等。当我们替您处理重复性付款时,我们只会在我们的服务器上储存一组付款凭证,其对任何可能设法入侵系统的人来说都是没有用的。
除了您与您的付款处理系统之间的协议以外,SimplyBook.me 不会另外收取任何费用。这代表您与您的客户不会遭遇到意料之外的额外收费。
免费体验 60+ 最实用的预约功能
专业且超棒的 客户支援
让我们的客户成功经理, 帮助您架设全方位预约网站!
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