Online Scheduling
Software for
COVID-19 Vaccination 正帮助许多英国 NHS Trusts 组织内的伙伴,成为世界上少数提供“疫苗接种”预约排程的医疗单位,无论是新冠疫苗或是其他流感疫苗,都能整合规划排程,同时也加速英国医疗体系转型。您的组织是否需要“疫苗接种”排程系统呢?

vaccination hero image is an ideal fit for Vaccination Scheduling

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    Booking website or Booking widget if you already have a website

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    Automatic SMS/email reminders to patients and medical professionals

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    Admin app to manage all bookings

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    让消费者在浏览地图时,挑选 邻近区域选项

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    Issue tickets upon booking and scan them in the admin app upon arrival

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    Use the API and triggers to integrate data into your legacy system

Increase your workflow efficiency

workflow efficiency
  • Use pre-marked lab glass test tubes with barcodes or QR codes and sync with the appointment upon arrival

  • Print labels for test samples with appointment information, such as name, arrival date, order number.

  • Use the API and triggers to sync data with your central system to store client data

  • Information is stored within the appointment and attached to the client record

英国国家健保署(NHS) 组织合作

自 2020 年 12 起, 与英国国民健保署启动了有史以来的首个大规模合作,提供各类疫苗接种预约整合,帮助 NHS 有效管理排程。

因应疫情持续发酵, 积极主动推出适合的排程解决方案,以帮助需要处理上百万频次疫苗预约的组织,提供更即时有效的服务。针对疫苗排程系统,我们提供最主要的功能之一是:无接触线下签到功能,轻松追踪出席状态。另一个针对疫苗测试和疫苗接种的客制化功能,是我们可以针对国家疫苗接种系统串接,这帮助英国国家健保署(NHS) 可以验证想要预约的民众是否有资格可以接种疫苗,并同步保留疫苗接种数据。反过来说,NHS 组织可以验证人们的疫苗使用权,并在执行疫苗接种时,可以根据过去的病例记录,做出正确的决策。

我们的团队密切与 NHS Trusts 合作,并展现超出预期的能力,同时 NHS Trusts 不仅高度参与系统整合流程,并准备完整的教学文章,以便帮助组织内合作伙伴,快速了解系统操作。透过敏捷开发制作,快速完成符合需求的预约排程系统,同时引导其他医疗体系加入使用。

vaccination nhs sb

You are secure with

At we have a dedicated security team to make sure your information stays safe

  • HIPAA compliance

  • GDPR compliance

  • Uptime of over 99.9%

  • SSL

  • Data stored in many regions around the world to local privacy and security compliance.

  • ISO-27001- expected to become certified by year-end 2020.

secure with SB
APP on devices

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品牌 App

弹性打造品牌专属 App!让您的顾客轻松安装品牌预约 App,直接透过 App 完成在线预约、修改预约排程、查看预约历史纪录&购买礼品卡等。

管理者 App

透過 一站式管理所有預約排程、建立新的預約、新增顧客資訊,隨時隨地自動化接單!接收預約提醒通知,不錯過每組預約客戶,在服務即將開始前,做好最完善的準備,提升顧客到店消費體驗!

Drop us an email

If your hospital, health laboratory, clinic or pharmacy is offering Covid-19 vaccinations, drop us an email to or book an appointment and explain how you want to organize your vaccination process. To get you set up as quickly as possible, we will allocate an account manager so that your medical centre can accept patients for Covid-19 vaccination in a safe and organised manner. We are already servicing the NHS in 2 countries so we know what we are talking about.