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This GDPR Compliance Statement of Ltd explains the key elements of GDPR and how we comply with it.
Click below to read more about specific policies:
our approach to privacy, processing of personal data and our measures for security.
Dettaglipart of the T&Cs for users, includes a list of sub-processors.
Dettaglihow we protect the privacy of job applicants.
Dettagliwhat cookies we collect & why.
DettagliIf you have any questions and want to find our more, contact our
Il Regolamento Generale sulla Protezione dei Dati 2016/679 (il “GDPR”) è la legge dell’Unione Europea e dello Spazio Economico Europeo riguardante la protezione dei dati e privacy. Il GDPR è stato implementato il 25.05.2018 e consente ai cittadini dell'UE di controllare meglio i propri dati personali modernizzando e unificando le regole consentendo alle imprese di ridurre la burocrazia e di beneficiare di una maggiore fiducia dei consumatori.
Find out more for the data protection and the approach of the European Commission, on their official website
- We follow the principle of least privilege in our business operations.
- For the level of access employees are instructed to use in diagnosing and resolving problems as well as responding to customer support requests.
- All employees have signed a Data Processing Addendum to the contract of employment and have provided a clean criminal record as part of our hiring process.
- All employees are legally binding to comply with the internal policies and procedures of the implemented Information Security Management System.
CUSTOMER SUPPORT REQUESTS: Upon activation of the double authentication feature of the System, we DO NOT have any access to your account and system. However, when you need quick assistance from our support team, you may give our representative a temporary code so they can help them out with settings if needed.
Medical information is considered as “sensitive personal data” and it may be stored in the system, in a component called “SOAP”. The SOAP component has now been enhanced to be encoded at rest so that no one can have access to this information, even if they break into the user’s system, or even into servers UNLESS they have the secret key. This key can be kept on an USB drive, or in a computer’s folder - but never on the servers. Just make sure that the computer is well protected, so that if it is stolen, thieves would not have easy access to the hard disk. Same applies to the USB drive, this can also be encrypted with a code that only you remember.
HIPAA FEATURE: For users that want to harden security even more, the HIPAA Custom Feature is available to the Standard and Premium Subscriptions. This allows users to set automatic system log out after predefined time, like 20 minutes after the system was being used. It also allows users to get notifications upon each login into the system. Furthermore, this feature disables personal data to be sent over email or SMS, it removes client’s and service names from these notifications, making it harder for snoopers to see personal data.
All our email communications have included the option to unsubscribe via specific and easy to find links. This has now also been added to the promotions emails so clients that have unsubscribed from getting these messages will not be receiving them. This has though fortunately not been a problem as clients are generally happy to receive promotions from their favorite providers.
As you will have the responsibility to ensure the protection of your clients’ personal data, we have made key changes to our system, in order to make sure you can comply with the GDPR. Specifically, some changes make the security enhanced - and you are better protected in case someone gets hold of their equipment while some other features in the system make the user’s permission for client’s data and communication better. Check illustrations below for more information on this.
We provide 4 Custom Features, free for all:
per una maggiore sicurezza di accesso. È molto importante che gli utenti lo adottino rapidamente poiché la causa più probabile di violazione dei dati è probabilmente il furto virtuale o fisico dell'apparecchiatura, cosa che consentirebbe l'accesso al sistema e ai dati.
questo consente agli utenti di impostare per quanto tempo devono essere conservati i dati dei clienti che hanno effettuato prenotazioni all'interno del sistema. Se non è necessario conservare i dati, questo strumento è ideale per cancellarli automaticamente dopo ad esempio 30 giorni (dipende dalle impostazioni dell'utente) da quando la prenotazione è stata effettuata. Se gli utenti hanno impostato il login del client, utilizzo dell'abbonamento. ecc., allora questo modulo non deve essere utilizzato.
mediante il quale gli utenti possono impostare i propri Termini e Condizioni e la politica sulla privacy, in cui descrivono in linguaggio facilmente comprensibile (non con parole giuridiche) come intendono utilizzare i dati.
con cui gli utenti possono descrivere come viene applicata la loro politica di cancellazione
Personal data
usually publicly available on the internet in order for clients to be able to book.
Never available on the internet for other than system users to see
Each of these groups can access an interface to see and print out all information stored in the system. Additionally, upon request, all client details can be deleted with the use of a simple button.
Please note that these records can only be accessed by users after a simple authentication procedure by re-entering the password and if they have double authentication, they will be asked for a verification code to get access.
As client data is often part of statistical information about sales and bookings, the data is not all deleted but made completely unrecognisable but still kept usable for statistic purposes.
it is recommended for users to harden the security on mobile devices using long passwords, and automatic deletion of phone data when there are several wrong passwords attempts. This will avoid thieves getting hold of double-authentication access code.
Tutti gli utenti dovrebbero impostare blocco schermo automatico per ridurre il rischio di spionaggio da parte di persone che potrebbero curiosare sul posto di lavoro. Ecco un collegamento che descrive come eseguire questa operazione sui computer basati su Windows: 4 modi per bloccare il PC Windows 10.
Remember that you are responsible to draft, maintain and operate in accordance with a privacy policy towards your own clients and no one can make this for you, as this is something you decide. Get professional advice or check your local data protection authority/body on this document and make it in a clear, concise manner.
Ricordati di creare un collegamento alla nostra Informativa sulla privacy dove illustriamo come trattiamo i dati del soggetto per tuo conto e quali trasferimenti avvengono.
Vuoi saperne di più su come può aiutarti a gestire le tue prenotazioni online? Guarda il video per scoprire in cosa consiste il nostro software di pianificazione